Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Anniversary x Birthday!

Anniversary? Birthday?
What is the difference?

Well, birthday is only used to celebrate people's and pet's birthday. On the other hand, anniversary is used to celebrate school's, wedding's, bridge's anniversary.

For example: The school's anniversary is in the next week and it is going to turn 10 years!

Anna's birthday is next wednesday and she doesn't even know how she will celebrate it.

Got it?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spell Out!

Spell out!

This phrasal means explain something in details. Literally that is spell every single letter of a word, but figuratively that is give all information of something in details.

For example: Sales, taxes and other things should be spelled out for everyone.

Got it?!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Look Up!

Look Up!

This phrasal has a looot of meanings! Let's get down on them?

It means to look for some information in a book, list or internet.
For example: My friends recommended me a movie, but they didn't remember the name. After that, I just looked it up online and found out.

Daniel didn't remember his Doctor's phone number, then he looked it up.

It also means to visit someone!
For example: Last time I went to New York, I looked up some old friends.

Another meaning is become better, improve.
For example: Things have looked up after he joined the company.

There is a little change if you say look up to something. This means to admire something or someone.
For example: The whole country has always looked up to the president.

Got it?

Friday, January 25, 2013

Week Review!

Week Review! This is the newst label on the blog and every friday there will be a post, like this one, reviewing all the posts along the week. That will help you to remember things you see along the week, and to read more about that and understand it completely!

Let's get started!

Idiom: Take One's Breath Away!
Meaning: Overwhelm someone by surprising.
For example: The last song released took my breath away.

Idiom: Fight One's Corner!
Meaning: Defend something that you believe in by arguing.
For example: Sometimes in life you have to fight your corner even if you don't want to fight nor argue.

at night            on monday           in January
at midnight      on mother's day   in the morning/afternoon/evening
at noon            on saturday          in the forthies
at 3pm             on sunday            in 1975

Run Out: become used up, force to leave.
For example: She ran out of milk while baking. That means her milk came to an end while she was baking.
His parents ran him out of the restaurant. That means he had to leave because his parents forced him to.

Adjectives: characterize the nouns.
For example: Roses are beautiful. Beautiful is the adjective that characterizes the noun "roses".
Adverbs: characterize the verbs.
For example: She read the newspaper carefully. Carefully is the adverb that characterizes the way she read the newspaper.

Any questions?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Break Free!

Break Free!

Do you know what this means?

It means to get free, free yourself of, make yourself free from what is stopping you to do sth.

For example: I want to break free from whatever is restraining me.

He wants to break free from his fear.

"I want to break free from your lies" is a lyric famous by Queens. The music is called I Want To Break Free! Listen to it: